If you have any questions not answered here please do give us a call on 0116 326 0391
Why have I received a letter from my current supplier asking me to renew with them despite having already agreed a new contract?
This is a reasonably common issue and is often due to a generic letter being automatically produced by your current supplier. The first thing we recommend is to look at the date the letter was produced, as there is often a long delay in the supplier sending letters out. If that date is prior to, or up to approx 2 days after you agreed your new contract it is likely this was sent in error however if you do have any concerns then please do call us and we will investigate for your peace of mind.
I have received a letter from my current supplier saying I can not leave- what does this mean?
There are 3 reasons why a supplier has the contractual right to refuse to release you from your current contract, these include:
a). You have an outstanding debt which if you call the supplier and settle they will then release your contract and your new supplier will re-apply.
b). You current contract is not due to expire on the predicted date- this should be rare when using BEC as we will confirm the details with yourself and the supplier beforehand, however if there is an exceptional circumstance where this has occurred in most cases we will simply confirm the accurate date and reapply for then.
c). You have not terminated your contract by the stipulated date, this should be rare when using BEC as we will serve termination for you with 80% of suppliers, however there are a couple of suppliers that require you to do this yourself and have quite strict processes and timeframes surrounding this. If this is root cause then BEC will work with your current supplier to find a solution and transfer the supply as soon as possible.